Thursday, February 21, 2008

Almost 2 weeks

You may have noticed I am now posting some photos - I just figured out how to use the feature after all this time. This is one of me and my friends that I came here with from DC. We are in the Palace at Camp Victory and everyone gets thier picture taken in this chair.

I can't believe I've only been here almost 2 weeks, it seems much longer. I have my Friday morning briefing tomorrow and for the second week in a row we have been able to get the info in on time, so that is helping me out alot. We have had two groups of two investors in this week, so it has been busy. It's an interesting process we have going - we are essentially hosting potential investors into the country and taking them to different areas that they are interested in investing in - also setting up meetings with Ministers of Iraq to explore opportunities. Some people are actually going to invest here - which is amazing.

There is not much else going on right now. Did I mention that I don't even have to do my laundry? I just take my clothes to the laundermat and they do it for me and have it ready the next day. That is a great bonus. No cooking, no cleaning and no laundry!! But funny enough, I'm not on vacation. :-)

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Well, it's the first day of the three day weekend for those of you Federal employees back home. Usually I would be enjoying a four day weekend and possibly be visiting some of you reading this blog, but this week I didn't even realize it was a holiday until I saw something in the Star and Stripes paper - which is the local paper on military bases overseas. So, enjoy and be thankful for our past Presidents!

Last night there must have been some huge wind storm because it was very dusty and I couldn't sleep. So much dust was coming into the room it was unbelievable. It started to wear off as the day went along today, but I am thinking this is a warning of things to come this summer. I have heard it's even worse over at Camp Victory.

Had a good first week back actually and the briefing yesterday went very well. General Petraeus is happy with what we are doing, so that makes it much better when we brief him. Thursday night we had a number of Generals and Ministers in the Villa eating dinner. It was a big success from what I hear. Of course I didn't attend, my biggest contribution for the team was to help with the dishes afterwards.

Today was a slow day and it was nice just to work the regular 10 hours. We went to an Industry Trade Show that was being put on in the Al Rasheed Hotel - which is the famous hotel that was bombed during the Gulf War. It is on the verge of the red zone, they call it the orange zone, but it's technically still in the green zone. You might think going to a trade show is no big deal, but this was incredible as many of the State Owned Enterprises that we are working with were in attendance. It was a hugely successful event and there were over 200 businesses represented.

Tonight we actually had a chance to just hang out. We got a pool table and a foosball table here in the Villa now. It is supposed to be for when the Ministers and VIP's visit, but when no one is here - like right now- we can play. This Army Sgt - Kallee and I are the reigning champs so far in foosball. It's nice to have a little something to do that doesn't involve a computer or tv.

Hopefully tomorrow will be another slow day and I will be fully recovered to start all over again on Monday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Made it here on Sunday -no problem whatsoever. It is a 12 hour flight on the way over and the connection in Kuwait goes very smooth. I have observed that many people get stuck in Kuwait, but so far I have had good luck with it.

Things are going really well so far. I think I am able to get into more of a rhythm this time having passed the learning curve. I am now able to focus on the work more than where things are and who does what. The transportation issue seems to be a bit of a problem still, trying to find a ride to get to the Palace or to do errands. Sometimes I just work from the Villa – it’s got everything you need in the way of office space, but there can be a lot of interruptions as well.

I haven’t been to the big DFAC yet. I have been eating at the little one by the Villa or the deli in the Palace. It’s been working out much better as there are fewer temptations at the smaller facilities.

The weather here is the big news. Since I’ve been back, it’s been in the 70’s. Sunny, yet not too hot. Very nice actually – except for I don’t have a lot of summer clothes here. Might have to see how the online shopping works sooner than expected.

Well, as you can see, nothing too exciting to report. Hope everyone is well!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I am so happy to be back to DC. What an incredible experience down in GA. We got to shoot the 9mm one of the days. I have qualified before as an expert once and a sharpshooter another time in the Navy Reserves. This time we only got to shoot 10 rounds and we had to wait ALL day to do it, no lie! It was horrible - but on the bright side, I shot 9 out of the 10 targets. I have to say, I am sooo happy I never joined the Army. I know that it's good for some people, but it's not for me - it's grueling. If you ever meet someone in the Army, let them know much you appreciate all that they do - they have it tough, believe me and very little appreciation.

I will be in DC this week, working from the Pentagon and Crystal City. Heading back to Iraq next Sat and will be there for a couple months.